In various industries, antiscalant plays an important role in reducing the formation of deposits caused by minerals and salts. Deposits caused by the accumulation of minerals such as calcium and magnesium can severely reduce the efficiency of the equipment and most importantly the membrane filter as the main stage of water filtration. In this article, we tried to give a complete explanation about this product . To know the price and purchase of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
This substance is one of the most widely used salts in both edible and industrial grades for the production of edible substances and chemical fertilizers. Next, physical and chemical properties, applications, reactions (with water), role in making food such as cheese, in agriculture as fertilizer, etc. Been paid.To buy and know the price of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Pagdar Company.
Calcium propionate, also known as the calcium salt of propanoic acid, is a white crystalline powder with a faint odor. This compound is stable at room temperature. It is a humectant and is not compatible with strong oxidizing agents. It has a melting point of 300 degrees Celsius and a pH value between 7 and 9. This substance is completely soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol. To find out the price and buy this product, contact the phone numbers of Maham Tejarat Pagdar company.
soda is a solid and white material in the form of flakes or granules with a melting temperature of 1390 degrees Celsius and a density of 2.13 grams per cubic centimeter. The characteristics and physical and chemical properties of this material are white solid and odorless. In this article, we tried to give complete explanations about this widely used product. To buy and know the price of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Pagdar company.
Granular soda with a solid physical state, white in color and similar to small snowballs, in its production, more precision and delicacy are used because this material is usually used for pharmaceutical and textile industries, which have more sensitive applications. This material can easily absorb moisture from the air, that is why it must be covered during transportation and you must take the necessary precautions during storage. Pay attention to this point and be sure to use gloves To know the price and purchase of this product, contact the phone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
These materials are chlorinated compounds such as sodium hypochlorite, calcium hypochlorite, chlorine gas or dichloroisocyanurate, which when dissolved When dissolved in water, they release hypochlorous acid, which has an antiseptic effect and destroys the microorganisms in the water. For information on the price and purchase of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat paidar Company.
Citric acid (E330) or lemon essence is a weak acid that is made from natural preservatives and is used to add an acidic or sour taste to foods and beverages. Citric acid has many uses in the food and pharmaceutical industries. And there are other industries. In this article, we tried to give complete explanations about this high-use product. To know the price and purchase of this product, contact the phone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
EDTA disodium, also known as EDTA-2Na or disodium EDTA, has the chemical formula C10H16N2O8-2Na and is a colorless crystalline solid. EDTA disodium is used to chelate metal ions and reduce their reactivity, particularly in many industrial products and cosmetics. The use of EDTA disodium in cosmetic formulations enhances the efficacy of the products and also contributes to the stability of solid soaps and many detergents. This compound is also found in creams and oils. To know the price and purchase of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
Sodium EDTA (Tetrasodium EDTA) or ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid with chemical formula is a colorless substance or white powder and soluble in water. It is used as a chelating compound to remove metal poisoning, anti-corrosion agent and water purification. Tetrasodium EDTA is prepared from the reaction of ethylenediamine, formaldehyde and sodium cyanide. To know the price and purchase of this product, contact the phone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
Formalin is a very useful and important chemical compound that is used to perform many chemical reactions and produce thousands of chemicals. Formalin is considered a family of aldehydes and is also known by other names such as formaldehyde, methanol, methylene oxide and methyl aldehyde. To know the price and purchase of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Pagdar company
Guar gum is a polysaccharide and a plant-based thickening agent that is white and powdery in color, with many uses in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. This substance, also known as cluster bean, primarily grows in Pakistan and northern regions of India in the dry cycles of monsoon rains in those areas. After the monsoon rains season, the plants are harvested and the seeds are dried in the sun. The seeds are then separated manually or mechanically and turned into flour, which is the guar gum powder. For information on pricing and purchasing this product, contact Maham tejarat paidar Company at the provided phone numbers.
This material, which is a strong oxidizer, is used in many industries. In industry, the main use of this compound is as a bleaching agent in the production of paper and paper pulp. To know the price and purchase of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>ss=”yoast-text-mark”>e=”text-align: left;”>Lactic acid is also known as alpha hydroxy acid. In terms of structure, naturally obtained from products such as sugarcane and sugar. A large number of companies producing cosmetics and health products buy lactic acid and use it as an exfoliating and anti-wrinkle agent, and body washes also contain this substance.this substance exists in liquid form. Lactic acid contains carbohydrates and is o know the price and purchase of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.</strong></strong>
Potash or potassium hydroxide with the chemical formula KOH is called salts containing potassium. It is in the form of a white powder that can absorb moisture and carbon dioxide from the air. As a chemical fertilizer, it increases the life of fruits and vegetables after harvesting. For information on the price and purchase of this product, contact the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
Silica gel is a powerful humectant. In the specialized definition, silica gel is known as a polymer or macromolecule with a molecular formula that consists of silicon dioxide units. As a result of the chemical combination between sodium silicate and sulfuric acid, silica gel is produced. This material acts as a strong absorbent, and because of its mesh structure and pores, it becomes strong in the vicinity of a material. Call the telephone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.
It is a toxic, transparent, crystalline solid compound that darkens when exposed to light. It is used in photography and silver plating and as an external antiseptic. Its chemical formula is: AgNO3. In the following, you will get to know its market and more uses of this combination. To know the price and buy this product, contact the phone numbers of Maham Tejarat Paidar company.