What is caustic soda
Sodium hydroxide, with the formula NaOH, is known as caustic soda. It is available in liquid form, flakes, granules, and powder. It should be noted that all these different forms are different shapes of the same substance. This chemical have a higher concentration (up to 99.7%) and are sold in sizes ranging from 1 to 3 millimeters. Caustic soda granules are odorless and non-flammable but can cause explosions.
What is the use of caustic soda granules
Caustic soda granules are utilized in the manufacturing of paper and paper fibers. They are also employed in the production of synthetic soaps and detergents, as well as synthetic fatty acids. They are combined with refined animal oils and plant oils. In addition, they serve as a dispersing agent in the textile and dye industries. Furthermore, they play a role in the creation of chemicals like brine, sodium cyanide, formic acid, oxalic acid, phenol, etc. They are essential in petroleum refining and function as a drilling fluid in the oil refining and petrochemical industry. Moreover, they act as an acid neutralizer, descaling agent, odorless and colorless food additive in the food industry.
Production method
As mentioned earlier, caustic soda granules are a solid form of caustic soda. This chemical is generally produced using the chloroalkali process, and the product of this process is usually a solution consisting of water and caustic soda with a certain purity level. Separate processes must be carried out to obtain solid forms (granules and flakes) of this product.
Solutions with high concentrations of caustic soda can be converted into solid caustic soda by cooling it to its anhydrous form, which exists as crystals. However, there are challenges involved in this process such as centrifugation and drying of the produced crystals. In the past, co-drying and adiabatic processes were used to produce this form of caustic soda at temperatures ranging from 200-300 degrees Celsius with a concentration of 80-95%.
purchase costic soda
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