Use of antiscalant in cooling towers
As you know, cooling towers are one of the most important facilities in the oil industry. It should also be said that many industries and equipments require a cooling process where the main fluid used in them is water. Therefore, they use a cooling tower to cool the water.
At the same time, in order to maintain the performance of these equipments and increase their efficiency, it is necessary to prevent the formation of deposits and reduce the efficiency of cooling towers. In this regard, the use of anti-fouling and anti-corrosion chemical compounds is very practical to protect the systems. Hyper Sanat Famco, as one of the largest leading suppliers in the field of distribution of chemicals in Iran, offers the cooling tower anti-scalant product with the best quality and the most effective service to you, dear customers. Please contact our colleagues in the chemistry department if you want to buy antiscalant cooling tower or get the data sheet of the product and get advice on how to use it.